Muay Thai Seminar & Black Belt Grading – July 2012

After many years of study and a focused seven week conditioning cycle, I spent Saturday 28th July 2012 at Laurence Sandum‘s Black Belt Martial Arts Academy in Chelmsford, Essex for a whole day UKMASDA 3rd Level Black Belt assessment in Muay Thai.
The day began with a morning of syllabus work, as well as ten rounds of sparring.
The afternoon session started after an hours lunch break, with a seminar from Master Thaiboxing Instructor Simon Wells and his assistant, Nick Opyrchal.
As ever with Simon’s seminars, the information came thick and fast. Myself and all of the other seminar attendees were put through our paces with a combination of padwork and partnerwork.
After the seminar the grading continued with me being pushed to my limits with a gruelling fitness test.
All my preparation for the day paid off and I am ecstatic to say that I passed.
Firstly I would like to thanks Simon Wells and Nick Opyrchal for giving such another awe-inspiring seminar; every session gives my training a renewed vigour.
Secondly, I would like to thank my family (especially my Wife) and friends (especially Peter Squire and Martyn Rackham) for helping me with, and being considerate of my additional training leading up to the day.
Final thanks as ever go to Guro Laurence Sandum; his tireless drive to develop himself and all of the students at the academy continues to secure our position as the premier and most eclectic centre of Martial Arts in Chelmsford and the surrounding area.

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